did you know?
That black and hispanics only make up 10.3% of employees in major technology companies in the United States while 58.1% are white and 31.5% are asian.

a/o March 2022
it all started from being lonely.
As we went to meetings and work events, we looked around the rooms and at the countless faces on video chats and realized that we were alone.
so we decided to do something.
Realizing the large racial disparity, we asked ‘why?’
Acknowledging what we innately knew, we said ‘what can we do?’
There is a need for education, awareness, and access to resources to get into the tech / data field. We can find the passions and talent in our community to broaden the global network.

Did you know that?
In the antebellum South, it is estimated that only 10% of enslaved people were literate.
And that was still too high for many enslavers.
the technology field is always advancing
This industry is relatively new and continues to grow rapidly.
We needs creative, resourceful, and diligent underrepresented people to join the field. There is so much untapped potential.
We can help guide you to an undiscovered path.